
Quests」(2018/05/05 (土) 22:07:24) の最新版変更点



#size(20){&bold(){&color(#f0f0f0){Quests}}} ---- &color(#6CF){&u(){*どなたでも編集できますので、加筆修正のご協力をお願いします。}} #contents() *記述方式 RepeatはNameの先頭に(R)で&color(#FC0){黄色}、派生したクエストは└ を付けています。 座標はマップの横1~8と縦a~hをさらに左と上から1~4に区切り横、縦の順で記述したものです。 [[「画像による座標の解説はこちら」>>http://img.atwikiimg.com/www27.atwiki.jp/nine_lives/attach/30/24/quest_coordinate.PNG]] 備考がある場合はテンプレをコピペしてお使い下さい。 &color(#FC0){編集される方は極力いきなりネタバレが見えないように配慮をお願いします。} ネタバレ要素を含む場合は&nowiki(){&footnote()} や &nowiki(){#region()} などのタグを活用してください。 どこまでがネタバレに当たるかは既存の表組みやページを参考にしてください。 &color(#6CF){【全ページ共通の記述方式】} 個数表記は「 x??」を用いて下さい。数が1だけの場合は省略して下さい。例:Lost Crate x10 / Item Box 「(R)」や「,(カンマ)」や「→」の後には半角スペースを1個入れて下さい。例:XP35, G10 / ??→ 42d2 以上2点。見やすさのためにご協力お願いします。 #co(){ //テンプレです。コピペしてお使いください。カッコ内を書き換えたりするだけで完成します。 |Lost Crates |63d3 |Lost Crate x10 |XP50, G20 | |└ &color(#FC0){(R) Need More Crates} |63d3 | |Lost Crate x10 |Item Box, XP10 | | | | | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#101a1f):・備考 }| // //&color(#FC0){黄}, &color(#6CF){水}, &color(#9F0){緑}, &color(#C3F){紫}, &color(#C00){赤} } *Crimson Isles |Name |Roc. |Objective |Rewards |h |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){&color(#6CF){Main Quest}} | |[[Letter from Sigmior>Quests/Letter from Sigmior]]|64e2|Sealed Letter|XP50, G100→ XP100→ XP100→ XP100| |└ 1. [[Trial of Nickamos>Quests/Trial of Nickamos]] |42d2| |XP100→ XP50 | | └ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Pepo Omelet}>Quests/Pepo Omelet]] |44a3 |Pepo x4, Tiny Egg x2, Coal x2, Water Barrel |XP100, Pepo Omelet| |└ 2. [[The Butterfly Symbol>Quests/The Butterfly Symbol]] |44a3|Continental Highlandsへ続く。 | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Windshore} | |[[Reminders>Quests/Reminders]]|61e2 |Minor Qi x3|XP100 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Crimson Crest} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Sigmior Crates}>Quests/Sigmior Crates]] |61d1|Sigmior Crate x5 |XP30, Item Box | |[[Crafting?>Quests/Crafting?]]|43c4|Fever|XP100| |[[A Scarab Leg>Quests/A Scarab Leg]]|43c3 |43b2 |XP50 | |[[Foldhaven>Quests/Foldhaven]] |43c4 ||XP50 | |[[Aragoto>Quests/Aragoto]]|43c2 |Aragoto x6 |XP250, G100, &color(#6CF){Aragoto(Pet)}, 商品にAragotoが追加| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Aragoto}>Quests/Aragoto]] |~|Aragoto x6 |XP250, G100 | |[[Grandparent Scam>Quests/Grandparent Scam]] |43c2 | |XP50→ XP50→ XP100, &color(#6CF){Granny's shoes} | |[[Drunken Beggar>Quests/Drunken Beggar]] |41c3 |Scarabi→ Unknown Booze→ Coalshire Rum→ Highland Molt→Wormwood Liquor→ Grog Blossom→ Pirate's Grog Rum|XP50→ XP60→ XP70→ XP80→ XP90→ XP100→ XP110| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Drunken Beggar}>Quests/Drunken Beggar]] |~|Pirate's Grog Rum|XP110| |[[Greenhat Scarecrow>Quests/Greenhat Scarecrow]] |41c4 |Green Scarecrow Hat |Pepo x3, XP100→ Sticky Net x3, XP150| |[[Need Bombs?>Quests/Need Bombs?]] |42c4 |Coal x6 |Grenade x6, XP100| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Need a Bomb?}>Quests/Need a Bomb?]] |~ |Stony Salt x2, Coal x3 |Grenade, XP50 | |[[Pepo for Cooking>Quests/Pepo for Cooking]] |42c3 |Pepo x5 |Peporon, XP50| |└ (10回目) |~ |Pepo x10 |XP200, &color(#6CF){Shef's Hat} | |[[General Mustard>Quests/General Mustard]] |43c3 |Desperate Innの鍵扉&footnote(Portrait of the Divaクリアで入手可能なKey of the Desperate Inn)を開けた先 |XP300, Box(WeaponとJewel) 販売開始 | |[[Cult Posters>Quests/Cult Posters]]|42d1 |要Bag内: Cult Poster x10 |XP300 | |[[Old-World Coin>Quests/Old-World Coin]]|41d4 |Old-World Coin x20 |XP250, G250 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Dry Lake} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Insect Shells}>Quests/Insect Shells]] |41b3 |Insect Shell x4|XP100, G30, Shell Powder | |[[Geologist's Bag>Quests/Geologist's Bag]] |32b2 |Geologist's Bag |30 Slot Bag, XP120 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Foldhaven} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Unforgiven}>Quests/Unforgiven]] |61b1 |Geel Ring Signet x6 |XP100, Coal x5 | |[[Coalshire Key>Quests/Coalshire Key]] |62b1 |Coalshire Key |XP50 | |[[The Geel Ring>Quests/The Geel Ring]] |61b2 |Lothar's Ear |XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Foldhaven Mine} | |[[The Last Wish>Quests/The Last Wish]] |71a4 |The Last Wish |XP150, Miner Mourning | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){West Farmstead} | |[[Crunchy Bite>Quests/Crunchy Bite]] |24b4 |Crunchy Tooth |XP100, G50 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Stolen Water}>Quests/Stolen Water]] |22c1 |Water Barrel x10 |XP80, Item Box | |[[A Talking Beast>Quests/A Talking Beast]] |13c3 |Scarab Infusion |XP200, G50→ Minor Healing Potion x5, XP400 | |[[Estrain Wants Pepo>Quests/Estrain Wants Pepo]] |21b4 |Pepo x11 |Pepo x10, XP180 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Lost Shrine} | |[[Empty Beacon Keeper Huts>Quests/Empty Beacon Keeper Huts]] |74a3|Tiny Saw |XP200→ XP300, Item Box(&color(#6CF){Crimson Vestment}) | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Cloud Spring} | |[[Windmill Gears>Quests/Windmill Gears]] |22b1 |Windmill Gear x20 |XP180, Carved Stone | |└ [[Where the Water Come from?>Quests/Where the Water Come from?]] |22b1 |Cloud Water Essence |XP350, &color(#FC0){Asema's Stitch} | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Raven Hill} | |[[Thiro's Diary>Quests/Thiro's Diary]] |73c2 |Thiro's Journal |XP300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Shattered Coast} | |[[Sewers of Merido>Quests/Sewers of Merido]] |41f3 | |XP500 | //| | | | | *Continental Highlands |Name |Roc. |Objective |Rewards |h |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){&color(#6CF){Main Quest}} | |└ 3. [[The Butterfly Symbol>Quests/The Butterfly Symbol]] |42f2 |42f2→ (33d4→) 31d3→ 53b3 |XP100→ XP200→ XP400 | |└ 4. The Blessed Road |53d3 |(未実装) | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Estrain} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Estrain Wants Pepo}>Quests/(R)Estrain Wants Pepo]] |44f1 |Pepo x10 |XP100, G120 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Roffmore Hates Omelet}>Quests/(R) Roffmore Hates Omelet]] |42f2 |Pepo Omelet |XP100, G220 | |[[I Can't Fly, My Friend!>Quests/I Can't Fly, My Friend!]]|44f4 |21d3→ Spare Gas|XP50, G100→ XP150 | |[[Potaria Herbalists>Quests/Potaria Herbalists]] |42f1 |Mountain Floret x3 |XP120, G80→ XP80 | |[[Bad Medicine>Quests/Bad Medicine]] |43f4 |Glossy Eye x5 |XP200, G200, Jelly Beans | |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Bad Medicine}>Quests/Bad Medicine]] |~ |Gio' Essence |XP100, Gio' Gan | |[[The Path>Quests/The Path]] |44g1 |Metalic Dust, Borokul Tear x2, Coal x4 |Compass, XP250 | |[[Onyx Stones>Quests/Onyx Stones]] |41f2 |Flawless Onyx Stone |XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Cemetery Garden} | |[[A Wandering Pict Ghost>Quests/A Wandering Pict Ghost]] |43e2 |Old Diving Helmet|XP220 | |└ 1. [[Sky Lodge>Quests/Sky Lodge]] | |場所&footnote(34b4) |XP180 | |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) A Wandering Pict Ghost}>Quests/A Wandering Pict Ghost2]] |34b4 |Gio' Vapor x8 |XP100, Gio' Essence | |└ [[2. The Lady of the Lake>Quests/The Lady of the Lake]] | |Memento of Nayda |XP800, &color(#6CF){Garandra's Gift Box} | |[[Mountain Emperor>Quests/Mountain Emperor]] |41d4 |Mountain Emperor x6 |&color(#6CF){Mountain Emperor(Pet)}, XP300 | |└ [[Nox Regina>Quests/Nox Regina]] |~ |Nox Regina x6(未実装) |Nox Regina(Pet), XP350 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Stepped Mountain} | |[[The Raptor Breedar>Quests/The Raptor Breedar]] |82b4 |Raptor Egg x120 |XP420→ XP80, Jade Raptor(Mount) 販売開始 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Blossom Point} | |[[Mysterious Stones>Quests/Mysterious Stones]]|24f4 |Onyx Stone x5 |Metallic Dust, XP150| |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Hunting High and Low}>Quests/Hunting High and Low]] |22g1 |Jaggy Fang x4 |Burnt Fang, XP80 | |[[Stone Egg>Quests/Stone Egg]] |22g1 |要Bag内: Stone Eggshell |XP80 | |└ [["Erynngi">Quests/"Erynngi"]] |41f3|要Bag内: Stone Eggshell→ Borokul Tear x5→ Borokul Tear x5 |XP80→ XP280, G120 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Hidden Passage} | |[[The Black Wagon>Quests/The Black Wagon]]|22h4|場所&footnote(53d2) |Scarlet Scarab Fossil, XP200 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Southern Border Outpost} | |[[Portrait of the Diva>Quests/Portrait of the Diva]] |72g3 |Portrait of the Diva |Key of the Desperate Inn, XP150 | |[[Missing Knights>Quests/Missing Knights]] |72g4 |Rilla's Sword |Item Box, XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Northern Border Outpost} | |[[But for the Song>Quests/But for the Song]] |81d3 |Dried Ear, Windscreamer's Fang |Item Box, XP300, G300 | |└ [[Rilla>Quests/Rilla]] |81d3 | |Rilla's Sword | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Windrock Lair} | |[[Father to Son>Quests/Father to Son]] |53c2 |&color(#6CF){Warg Liver} |XP500, Timber Warg(Mount) | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Potaria} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Full of Bloodberries}>Quests/Full of Bloodberries]] |74e3 |Bloodberry x9 |Item Box, XP180 | |[[The Will>Quests/The Will]] |74e3 |Scarlet Scarab Fossil→ Azure Scarab Fossil→ Dusk Evergladesへ続く(未実装) |XP150, Proto-Delyxol x3→ XP400 | |└ [[Scarab Lair Key>Quests/Scarab Lair Key]] |74e3 | |Scarab Lair Key | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Imera Climbing Club} | |[[Climber's Medal(1)>Quests/Climber's Medal]] |61f3 | |XP500, Shopが利用可能になる| |[[Climber's Medal(2)>Quests/Climber's Medal]] |61f2 | |~| |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){North West} | |[[Booze Artist>Quests/Booze Artist]] |32b4 |Strong Monkey Booze |Item Box, XP250 | |[[Fuel the Golem>Quests/Fuel the Golem]] |31c3|Cage Key |XP300, Gas Valve→ XP400 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Sunken Ruins} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Looking for My Head}>Quests/Looking for My Head]] |22c2 |Skull Shard |Skull, XP50 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Don't Lose Your Head}>Quests/Don't Lose Your Head]] |22c2|Skull |XP15 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){The Spiral Way} | |[[The Silent Cicada(仮)>Quests/The Silent Cicada]] | |(未実装) | | //| | | | | //&color(#FC0){黄}, &color(#6CF){水}, &color(#9F0){緑}, &color(#C3F){紫}, &color(#C00){赤}
#size(20){&bold(){&color(#f0f0f0){Quests}}} ---- &color(#6CF){&u(){*どなたでも編集できますので、加筆修正のご協力をお願いします。}} #contents() *記述方式 RepeatはNameの先頭に(R)で&color(#FC0){黄色}、派生したクエストは└ を付けています。 座標はマップの横1~8と縦a~hをさらに左と上から1~4に区切り横、縦の順で記述したものです。 [[「画像による座標の解説はこちら」>>http://img.atwikiimg.com/www27.atwiki.jp/nine_lives/attach/30/24/quest_coordinate.PNG]] 備考がある場合はテンプレをコピペしてお使い下さい。 &color(#FC0){編集される方は極力いきなりネタバレが見えないように配慮をお願いします。} ネタバレ要素を含む場合は&nowiki(){&footnote()} や &nowiki(){#region()} などのタグを活用してください。 どこまでがネタバレに当たるかは既存の表組みやページを参考にしてください。 &color(#6CF){【全ページ共通の記述方式】} 個数表記は「 x??」を用いて下さい。数が1だけの場合は省略して下さい。例:Lost Crate x10 / Item Box 「(R)」や「,(カンマ)」や「→」の後には半角スペースを1個入れて下さい。例:XP35, G10 / ??→ 42d2 以上2点。見やすさのためにご協力お願いします。 #co(){ //テンプレです。コピペしてお使いください。カッコ内を書き換えたりするだけで完成します。 |Lost Crates |63d3 |Lost Crate x10 |XP50, G20 | |└ &color(#FC0){(R) Need More Crates} |63d3 | |Lost Crate x10 |Item Box, XP10 | | | | | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#101a1f):・備考 }| // //&color(#FC0){黄}, &color(#6CF){水}, &color(#9F0){緑}, &color(#C3F){紫}, &color(#C00){赤} } *Crimson Isles |Name |Roc. |Objective |Rewards |h |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){&color(#6CF){Main Quest}} | |[[Letter from Sigmior>Quests/Letter from Sigmior]]|64e2|Sealed Letter|XP50, G100→ XP100→ XP100→ XP100| |└ 1. [[Trial of Nickamos>Quests/Trial of Nickamos]] |42d2| |XP100→ XP50 | | └ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Pepo Omelet}>Quests/Pepo Omelet]] |44a3 |Pepo x4, Tiny Egg x2, Coal x2, Water Barrel |XP100, Pepo Omelet| |└ 2. [[The Butterfly Symbol>Quests/The Butterfly Symbol]] |44a3|Continental Highlandsへ続く。 | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Windshore} | |[[Reminders>Quests/Reminders]]|61e2 |Minor Qi x3|XP100 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Crimson Crest} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Sigmior Crates}>Quests/Sigmior Crates]] |61d1|Sigmior Crate x5 |XP30, Item Box | |[[Crafting?>Quests/Crafting?]]|43c4|Fever|XP100| |[[A Scarab Leg>Quests/A Scarab Leg]]|43c3 |43b2 |XP50 | |[[Foldhaven>Quests/Foldhaven]] |43c4 ||XP50 | |[[Aragoto>Quests/Aragoto]]|43c2 |Aragoto x6 |XP250, G100, &color(#6CF){Aragoto(Pet)}, 商品にAragotoが追加| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Aragoto}>Quests/Aragoto]] |~|Aragoto x6 |XP250, G100 | |[[Grandparent Scam>Quests/Grandparent Scam]] |43c2 | |XP50→ XP50→ XP100, &color(#6CF){Granny's shoes} | |[[Drunken Beggar>Quests/Drunken Beggar]] |41c3 |Scarabi→ Unknown Booze→ Coalshire Rum→ Highland Molt→Wormwood Liquor→ Grog Blossom→ Pirate's Grog Rum|XP50→ XP60→ XP70→ XP80→ XP90→ XP100→ XP110| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Drunken Beggar}>Quests/Drunken Beggar]] |~|Pirate's Grog Rum|XP110| |[[Greenhat Scarecrow>Quests/Greenhat Scarecrow]] |41c4 |Green Scarecrow Hat |Pepo x3, XP100→ Sticky Net x3, XP150| |[[Need Bombs?>Quests/Need Bombs?]] |42c4 |Coal x6 |Grenade x6, XP100| |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Need a Bomb?}>Quests/Need a Bomb?]] |~ |Stony Salt x2, Coal x3 |Grenade, XP50 | |[[Pepo for Cooking>Quests/Pepo for Cooking]] |42c3 |Pepo x5 |Peporon, XP50| |└ (10回目) |~ |Pepo x10 |XP200, &color(#6CF){Shef's Hat} | |[[General Mustard>Quests/General Mustard]] |43c3 |Desperate Innの鍵扉&footnote(Portrait of the Divaクリアで入手可能なKey of the Desperate Inn)を開けた先 |XP300, Box(WeaponとJewel) 販売開始 | |[[Cult Posters>Quests/Cult Posters]]|42d1 |要Bag内: Cult Poster x10 |XP300 | |[[Old-World Coin>Quests/Old-World Coin]]|41d4 |Old-World Coin x20 |XP250, G250 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Dry Lake} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Insect Shells}>Quests/Insect Shells]] |41b3 |Insect Shell x4|XP100, G30, Shell Powder | |[[Geologist's Bag>Quests/Geologist's Bag]] |32b2 |Geologist's Bag |30 Slot Bag, XP120 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Foldhaven} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Unforgiven}>Quests/Unforgiven]] |61b1 |Geel Ring Signet x6 |XP100, Coal x5 | |[[Coalshire Key>Quests/Coalshire Key]] |62b1 |Coalshire Key |XP50 | |[[The Geel Ring>Quests/The Geel Ring]] |61b2 |Lothar's Ear |XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Foldhaven Mine} | |[[The Last Wish>Quests/The Last Wish]] |71a4 |The Last Wish |XP150, Miner Mourning | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){West Farmstead} | |[[Crunchy Bite>Quests/Crunchy Bite]] |24b4 |Crunchy Tooth |XP100, G50 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Stolen Water}>Quests/Stolen Water]] |22c1 |Water Barrel x10 |XP80, Item Box | |[[A Talking Beast>Quests/A Talking Beast]] |13c3 |Scarab Infusion |XP200, G50→ Minor Healing Potion x5, XP400 | |[[Estrain Wants Pepo>Quests/Estrain Wants Pepo]] |21b4 |Pepo x11 |Pepo x10, XP180 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Lost Shrine} | |[[Empty Beacon Keeper Huts>Quests/Empty Beacon Keeper Huts]] |74a3|Tiny Saw |XP200→ XP300, Item Box(&color(#6CF){Crimson Vestment}) | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Cloud Spring} | |[[Windmill Gears>Quests/Windmill Gears]] |22b1 |Windmill Gear x20 |XP180, Carved Stone | |└ [[Where the Water Come from?>Quests/Where the Water Come from?]] |22b1 |Cloud Water Essence |XP350, &color(#FC0){Asema's Stitch} | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Raven Hill} | |[[Thiro's Diary>Quests/Thiro's Diary]] |73c2 |Thiro's Journal |XP300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Shattered Coast} | |[[Sewers of Merido>Quests/Sewers of Merido]] |41f3 | |XP500 | //| | | | | *Continental Highlands |Name |Roc. |Objective |Rewards |h |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){&color(#6CF){Main Quest}} | |└ 3. [[The Butterfly Symbol>Quests/The Butterfly Symbol]] |42f2 |42f2→ (33d4→) 31d3→ 53b3 |XP100→ XP200→ XP400 | |└ 4. The Blessed Road |53d3 |(未実装) | | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Estrain} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Estrain Wants Pepo}>Quests/(R)Estrain Wants Pepo]] |44f1 |Pepo x10 |XP100, G120 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Roffmore Hates Omelet}>Quests/(R) Roffmore Hates Omelet]] |42f2 |Pepo Omelet |XP100, G220 | |[[I Can't Fly, My Friend!>Quests/I Can't Fly, My Friend!]]|44f4 |21d3→ Spare Gas|XP50, G100→ XP150 | |[[Potaria Herbalists>Quests/Potaria Herbalists]] |42f1 |Mountain Floret x3 |XP120, G80→ XP80 | |[[Bad Medicine>Quests/Bad Medicine]] |43f4 |Glossy Eye x5 |XP200, G200, Jelly Beans | |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) Bad Medicine}>Quests/Bad Medicine]] |~ |Gio' Essence |XP100, Gio' Gan | |[[The Path>Quests/The Path]] |44g1 |Metalic Dust, Borokul Tear x2, Coal x4 |Compass, XP250 | |[[Onyx Stones>Quests/Onyx Stones]] |41f2 |Flawless Onyx Stone |XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Cemetery Garden} | |[[A Wandering Pict Ghost>Quests/A Wandering Pict Ghost]] |43e2 |Old Diving Helmet|XP220 | |└ 1. [[Sky Lodge>Quests/Sky Lodge]] | |場所&footnote(34b4) |XP180 | |└ [[&color(#FC0){(R) A Wandering Pict Ghost}>Quests/A Wandering Pict Ghost2]] |34b4 |Gio' Vapor x8 |XP100, Gio' Essence | |└ [[2. The Lady of the Lake>Quests/The Lady of the Lake]] | |Memento of Nayda |XP1200, &color(#6CF){Garandra's Gift Box} | |[[Mountain Emperor>Quests/Mountain Emperor]] |41d4 |Mountain Emperor x6 |&color(#6CF){Mountain Emperor(Pet)}, XP300 | |└ [[Nox Regina>Quests/Nox Regina]] |~ |Nox Regina x6(未実装) |Nox Regina(Pet), XP350 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Stepped Mountain} | |[[The Raptor Breedar>Quests/The Raptor Breedar]] |82b4 |Raptor Egg x120 |XP420→ XP80, Jade Raptor(Mount) 販売開始 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Blossom Point} | |[[Mysterious Stones>Quests/Mysterious Stones]]|24f4 |Onyx Stone x5 |Metallic Dust, XP150| |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Hunting High and Low}>Quests/Hunting High and Low]] |22g1 |Jaggy Fang x4 |Burnt Fang, XP80 | |[[Stone Egg>Quests/Stone Egg]] |22g1 |要Bag内: Stone Eggshell |XP80 | |└ [["Erynngi">Quests/"Erynngi"]] |41f3|要Bag内: Stone Eggshell→ Borokul Tear x5→ Borokul Tear x5 |XP80→ XP280, G120 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Hidden Passage} | |[[The Black Wagon>Quests/The Black Wagon]]|22h4|場所&footnote(53d2) |Scarlet Scarab Fossil, XP200 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Southern Border Outpost} | |[[Portrait of the Diva>Quests/Portrait of the Diva]] |72g3 |Portrait of the Diva |Key of the Desperate Inn, XP150 | |[[Missing Knights>Quests/Missing Knights]] |72g4 |Rilla's Sword |Item Box, XP300, G300 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Northern Border Outpost} | |[[But for the Song>Quests/But for the Song]] |81d3 |Dried Ear, Windscreamer's Fang |Item Box, XP300, G300 | |└ [[Rilla>Quests/Rilla]] |81d3 | |Rilla's Sword | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Windrock Lair} | |[[Father to Son>Quests/Father to Son]] |53c2 |&color(#6CF){Warg Liver} |XP750, Timber Warg(Mount) | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Potaria} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Full of Bloodberries}>Quests/Full of Bloodberries]] |74e3 |Bloodberry x9 |Item Box, XP180 | |[[The Will>Quests/The Will]] |74e3 |Scarlet Scarab Fossil→ Azure Scarab Fossil→ Dusk Evergladesへ続く(未実装) |XP150, Proto-Delyxol x3→ XP400 | |└ [[Scarab Lair Key>Quests/Scarab Lair Key]] |74e3 | |Scarab Lair Key | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Imera Climbing Club} | |[[Climber's Medal(1)>Quests/Climber's Medal]] |61f3 | |XP500, Shopが利用可能になる| |[[Climber's Medal(2)>Quests/Climber's Medal]] |61f2 | |~| |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){North West} | |[[Booze Artist>Quests/Booze Artist]] |32b4 |Strong Monkey Booze |Item Box, XP250 | |[[Fuel the Golem>Quests/Fuel the Golem]] |31c3|Cage Key |XP300, Gas Valve→ XP400 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){Sunken Ruins} | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Looking for My Head}>Quests/Looking for My Head]] |22c2 |Skull Shard |Skull, XP50 | |[[&color(#FC0){(R) Don't Lose Your Head}>Quests/Don't Lose Your Head]] |22c2|Skull |XP15 | |> |> |> |BGCOLOR(#345261):&b(){The Spiral Way} | |[[The Silent Cicada(仮)>Quests/The Silent Cicada]] | |(未実装) | | //| | | | | //&color(#FC0){黄}, &color(#6CF){水}, &color(#9F0){緑}, &color(#C3F){紫}, &color(#C00){赤}

