
Finish the mission.
Primary Targets remain active.
Stop. Stop it.
End it. Hang in there. Hold on. You’re alright. You're going to be alright.
I need a medic over here! Stop! What are you doing?
We'd heard the rumors. We'd be changing the World, they said.
After hitting OZ,Team experienced contained direct action with local combine 54 Immortals - Oelta-Romeo-Alpha-Golf-Oscar-Victor-India-Charlie-Hotel-Kilo-Romeo-Alpha-Victor-Charlie-Hotel-Echo-November-Kilo-Oscar-Sierra-Tango-Echo-India-November-Echo-Romeo-Tango-Hotel-Echo-Sierra-Echo-Mike-Echo-November-Mike-Uniform-Sierra-Tango-Oelta-India-Echo.
Team was forced to initiate Secondary Protocol Echo Two, full records of the project were expunged, this was Vengeance.
Reboot in Progress. Authorization Required. 2-19-7-25. Corvus. Hendricks. Kane. Zurich. Diaz. Hall. Maretti. Cairo. Stone. Ramirez. Conrad. Fierro. Singapore. Taylor. Taylor. Taylor. Ethiopia. Get your hands off me! Get off me! You need to do more, you can’t give up now!#$gffgm H32b.=s2981,fffC -performing a variety of physical coercion methods approved with accordance of Standard assistance of the NRC, Tango Stone was extracted to a War is all I know. Lima-Echo-Tango-Mike-Echo-Golf-Oscar-Yankee-Oscar-Uniform-Mike-Uniform-Sierra-Tango- lima-Echo-Tango-Mike-Echo-Golf-Oscar. Come on. wake up. You can do it, open your eyes. Don’t you think it's time you woke up? I am committed to this. Taylor out.
Secondary was WASF, led by CO Hendricks leading a new unit. We've fitted the newest subject with their DNI and are prepping them for surgery - as a way of initiating him into the program is code for covert Ops if I’ve ever heard it.
6-13-6. What happened? Day. Day. Day. What Day? Hang on! Get to the APC, get outta there!
Hang tight, you’re not dying today. Encrypjon Unknown. Cannot verify.
Overriding Protocol Systems Failure. Please enter proper authorization clearance.
This isn’t right; this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. An error? What do you mean there's an error? Can't you see they’re still alive?? Can’t you see they're still breathing! I don’t care what the encryption is! Do it! Dd it nqWi lndia-Sierra-Echo-Echo-lndia-Tango-November-Os-car-Whiskey. India-Sierra-Echo-Echo-Tango-Hotel-Echo-Foxtrot-Romeo-Oscar-Zulu-Echo-November-Foxtrot-Oscar-Romeo-Echo-Sierra-Tango.
We was unaware of Tangos 10s until confirmed by LND Kane the team was investigating a disturbance at Coalescence Corporation Singapore. Tango Javier Ramirez was located in the process of uploading additional information, foe' lorig'-ferm impact of wfiat this means for Singapore arid foe Quarantine Zo'rie' is' rio't assessafo/e at fois time'.
It is' unclear whether Stone’s team was directly involved in the attack - t*43iillll222&ftftft.p//+=vBnkoyoslx.vpoy2411rolyat seemed convinced the world had a right to know what had happened. Kane may be influencing my decision capabilities on this mission. 7-15-14-0.
Hey! It’s gonna be okay. Hold on. Just hold on...[sjgffd831]\\#%pfl 'S.#**fdfd$ we picked up chatter that final Target had been taken to location Lotus Towers, a mega-structure being used as Primary FOB for the NRC Operations in Cairo. While WASF was able to secure the Minister and Khalil safely for extraction, Hendricks' team was not so fortunate. Hey are you still with us?
I need you to focus on me. Come back to me. You can’t do this! Oon’t shut it down don’t you dare shut it down! End of the day, it was the right call.
We all know what we signed up for - this is part of playing the game. There's life in you yet. Don't you think it's time you woke up?


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最終更新:2015年11月20日 00:18